Extraordinary Giving Teaching Package

Teaching PackageMy book, 'Extraordinary Giving,' was developed into a Teaching Study Package. The package contains the book, a leader's guide, a workbook, a CD album with a lesson on each of nine CD's, and a CD with nine Power Point Presentations. I taught the nine lesson study at my home church and saw an increase of 28% in the tithe and offerings from the first lesson through half way of the study. I gathered the financial information for one year prior to the study and for four months after the study. I also retrieved the information of church attendees for the same periods of time. My findings were that the attendance had not increased, but dropped off because of the summer season starting before the study was completed. This research is evidence that giving will increase when the scriptures are studied concerning this subject. The Bible speaks more on money than Jewish dietary laws and many other doctrines. It is very important to God how we manage our money and give of our possessions. The book, 'Extraordinary Giving,' and the Teaching Study Package will help guide you into God's purpose for your giving. Do yourself, your family, your group or your church a favor and order the 'Extraordinary Giving Study Package.' Extraordinary giving allows God to take the ordinary in your life and make it extraordinary.

Giving is a discipline and a discipline must be exercised with training and self-control applied. When babies are born they have to be taught not to be selfish and share their toys with other children. There will be a few exceptional children that will share and not be selfish, but the sin nature is in everyone, and most of the time, young ones need to be taught to do what is right. As they continue to grow, they begin to learn traits from those around them. Christian parents need to make sure they are teaching their children in the way of the Lord. God is a giver and expects us to raise up more givers in the world. It is our responsibility. He has given the best, so we should do our best.

Everyone desires to be successful and God desires for us to be successful as well. Just what you have learned in these few paragraphs will enable you to climb the ladder of success. God's desire for us is not just to be successful, but to be successful on every rung of the ladder while it leads us to our full success. Abraham was promised that everywhere the soles of his feet walked would be his (Deuteronomy 11:24). This promise applies to us as well. Every rung of the ladder of success is ours, as long as we climb the ladder. Climbing the ladder of success has no OSHA standards, but there are Jesus standards. If we follow His commandments, we will succeed and there are no heights on the ladder of success that we cannot reach. Extraordinary giving will certainly help us be successful on each rung of the ladder.

What are you going to do about your giving? Do you have a plan? Remember, God has a plan for you. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) says: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” God's intentions are only the best for all of us, but He desires for us to be empty of ourselves and allow Him to fill us. How do you become an extraordinary giver? You learn from an extraordinary giver and you can't do better than God Himself. As Cornelius from Acts chapter ten received favor and acceptance with God and man through 'Extraordinary Giving,' so shall we! Extraordinary giving allows God to take the ordinary and make it extraordinary. Are you expecting extraordinary blessings? Go! Do! Be blessed beyond measure!

By Daniel W. Evans

Extraordinary Giving Study Package