Guides / Resources for Fasting

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FastingThere are many disciplines in life, but the disciplines that help us gain control over our fleshly appetites is desperately needed in the church.

Daniel Evans uses guides to take readers on a spiritual journey through the biblical discipline of fasting.

These guides are not diet books to be used for the purpose of losing weight. Diets should never be associated with the biblical method of fasting. Fasting is a spiritual discipline that will help a Christian be more aware of their relationship with God through denying the desires of the flesh, which at times may hinder their deep focus on Him. If you will be honest with yourself, we all have problems with our natural man. The natural man is our soul, which is made up of our mind, will and emotions. The soul part of us is very much in touch with this world through our physical bodies. The natural man hurts and suffers (emotionally and physically) through sickness, disease, war, accidents, and age. It has appetites for many things (food, intimacy, entertainment, wealth, health, recognition, comfort, etc.) and will lust, crave, beg, and apt to commit any sin to obtain them. The natural man is an enemy of the spiritual man. The natural man desires the things of this world and the spiritual man desires the things of God. You can already see the conflict and that is why the Bible tells us to be holy, renew our minds, follow Christ, pray without ceasing, and yield our bodily members to be servants of righteousness. The ability to control ourselves is reflected in our physical appetites. If these appetites are unable to be controlled, then our ability to control our minds and mouths will also be out of control. Fasting is a discipline that will assist us to gain and maintain control over the lust of the eye and the flesh.

Read these brief descriptions of each guide to familiarize yourself with the spiritual value each book can bring to you and your group.

'Your Guide to 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting,' will explain and guide you through the entire process with many helps and directions. While using this guide, your study time will be divided into five sections, each with scripture to focus your prayer and to study the specific areas. The sections are divided as follows:

  1. The Presence of God
  2. Revelation and Enlightenment
  3. Your Calling, Election, and Direction
  4. Temptation and Trials
  5. Power and Authority

This book is excellent for individual or group studies such as, Sunday school classes, intercessory teams, mid-week Bible studies, small group studies, youth group studies, etc. This book can be used for a 40-week study guide by dividing the scripture in each of the five sections for each day of the week for teaching or discussions. The five sections with scripture references are designed to keep you focused in each section for spiritual enrichment and growth. This is also to develop a deeper and more intimate relationship with the Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Fasting can be incorporated into the 40-week study by abstaining from a food item, a meal, or food for an entire day, a 3-day period, weekly, bi-weekly, or as the Spirit leads a person during the study/fasting period. This process will be to get all participants of the study accustomed to the practice of fasting. Remember, Jesus said in Matthew 6:16 and 17 of the KJV, NKJV, 21st Century KJV, NIV, NIV-UK, Today's NIV, NIRV, NASB, AMP, ESV, NLT, ASV, and the NCV translations of the Bible, 'When or whenever you fast...' not if you fast. So, we understand by scripture that the voluntary practice of fasting is based on when we fast and not, if we fast.

All fifteen guides are designed similarly, but have different study formats. The monthly guides, January–December, have different scripture for each month, but researched and laid out in a unique way. The monthly guides will also assist you in committing scripture to memory because of the unique way the scripture was compiled from the Bible. The 3-day, 21-day generic (not a monthly guide), and 40-day guides have scripture and comments designed for studies. We have been contacted by people planning to use the monthly guides to overcome one specific thing each month while getting accustomed to the discipline of fasting. Take this opportunity to practice a discipline that will help you gain control over your flesh (physical being) and develop a closer relationship with God.

Bulk Discount
5 - 14: $1.00 off each
15 - 49: $1.50 off each
50 - 124: $2.00 off each
125 or More: $3.00 off each
U.R. 120 Partner discounts do not apply to bulk discounts.

A Guide to 3 Powerful Days of Prayer & Fasting

A Guide to 3 Powerful Days of Prayer & Fasting

21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide

21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide


January - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide

January - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide


February - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide

February - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide

March - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide

March - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide

April - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide

April - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide


May - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide

May - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide

June - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide

June - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide


July - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide

July - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide


August - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide

August - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide

September - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide

September - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide


October - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide

October - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide


November - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide

November - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide


December - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide

December - 21 Day Prayer & Fasting Guide

The items shown below are used by many during their fasting endeavors. There are many other items you can incorporate into your fasting experience which are not offered on this site, but Daniel has personally selected these items to help enhance your spiritual experience based on his experiences with similar items. Communion is common to practice during a fast. Communion is an intimate encounter with Christ through the remembrance of what He accomplished for us. This is the reason communion can be incorporated into your fasting practices. Praying is associated with fasting and there are many that like the prayer shawls as they pray many hours during their fast. In Joshua 6:5 the ram’s horn (Shofar) was blown and the walls of Jericho came crashing down. The horn was used in Biblical days to communicate signals in battle and to announce religious occasions. There are some that use the horn during regular service times and during their fasts to announce deliverances, breakthroughs, healings and the pulling down of emotional and spiritual walls and strongholds. Virgin olive oil (anointing oil) is commonly used in many churches and is incorporated into fasting periods as well for group and self-anointing. Praise and worship music is widely used by churches in the praise and worship part of the service which assist the worshippers to focus on God instead of their concerns of life. Through this process, faith is released for individuals to receive what they believe for from God. This is why this type of music is used by many during their fasting endeavors. There are some that desire an experience of tranquility through their fasting and only desire soft sounds with no disturbing noises. Some prefer the soft and natural sounds of nature. Whatever your desire to make your fasting experience as spiritually rewarding as possible we have attempted to make items available to help you. All of the items we offer can be used any time rather than just during a fast.

Communion Goblet

Communion Goblet (Closing Gift Items Store - bookstore will remain open)

This beautifully decorated ceramic Goblet 11 oz Cup features Jesus’ words "‘I am the true vine.’" from John 15:1 and "This cup is the new covenant in my blood." from 1 Corinthians 11:25. The "I AM" Cup can be used to celebrate Passover or Communion with your family, friends and fellow believers. Size: 6.5" Tall x 3.5" Round.


Communion Set - 6 Cup

Communion Set - 6 Cup (Closing Gift Items Store - bookstore will remain open)

Remembranceware Executive Portable Communion Set. ***This item is only available to be shipped in the U.S.*** The Legacy Portable Communion Set, black, serves 6, and is contained in a durable, yet stylish hard case with a quality snap close hinge system and an elegant silver tone cross attached to the lid. It includes: stand alone Stainless Steel serving tray with easy grip finger guides with Do This in Remembrance of Me engraved, 6 glass communion cups, elegant and easy pour juice container which holds 100 ml, and Stainless Steel bread container. Dimensions are: 7.5 x 5.3 x 2.6 inches and weighs 1.4 lbs.


Prayer Shawl - Blue in Hebrew and English

Prayer Shawl - Blue in Hebrew and English (Closing Gift Items Store - bookstore will remain open)

Add meaning to times of ceremonial prayer with fringed prayer shawl in white with blue and gold stripes and text from The Lord's Prayer in Hebrew and English on each end Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Measures 63" long x 15" wide, with tassel trim; acrylic.


Anointing Oil - Jerusalem Frankincense and Myrrh

Anointing Oil - Jerusalem Frankincense and Myrrh (Closing Gift Items Store - bookstore will remain open)

These Christian anointing oils are made of the finest quality of essential oil and extra virgin olive oil, bottled with sealed tops to preserve the quality of the oils. This product has Frankincense and Myrrh added in the virgin olive oil. (10 ml - .34 oz)


Ram's Horn Shofar

Ram's Horn Shofar (Closing Gift Items Store - bookstore will remain open)

Traditional Half Polished, 11-13"




Praise & Worship - Top 25 Gospel Praise & Worship Songs

Praise & Worship - Top 25 Gospel Praise & Worship Songs (Closing Gift Items Store - bookstore will remain open)

Top 25 Gospel Praise & Worship Songs: 2011 Edition (2CD)


CD of Wind Chimes - Nature's Sounds

CD of Wind Chimes - Nature's Sounds (Closing Gift Items Store - bookstore will remain open)

The Windsong: Wind Chimes in a Gentle Breeze CD by Dan Gibson will bring you the soft, comforting tones of Wind Chimes, blended with the sounds of nature to create a soothing ambience that recalls memories of the long, lazy days of summer. Nature sounds include wood thrush, hermit thrush, mourning warbler, white-throated sparrow, herring gull, ocean surf and of course, wind chimes.


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