Fasting Blog

What is coming?

Posted February 2025 to Fasting Blog

We need more control of our lives and less interference from the flesh. Fasting helps us gain this control. It is a great discipline. When is the last time you fasted? Have you ever fasted? Do you understand the discipline? You can go to our website under the tab of fasting to read and listen to many hours of teaching on this subject from a panel of experienced fasting practitioners.

Fasting Invitation & Schedule

Posted February 2025 to Fasting Blog

Hello interested fasting participants! Hopefully, you have either requested a group fasting schedule or have joined us previously in a group fast. We have scheduled group fasts for the next six weeks for one day per week on a Tuesday of each week. The dates are February 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th and March 4th, 11th and the 18th. Please consider joining us in a total or partial fast. The importance is that we pray and fast together for the prayer focus for each day and the personal prayer requests of each other. If you signed up and we have your email, the prayer focus will be forwarded to you the day before or the morning of each scheduled one day fast. Maintaining your commitment of what the Holy Spirit leads you to do each fast day will produce great results for you and the group. We look forward to share in a fast with you.

Everyday is a Special Day

Posted February 2025 to Fasting Blog

With another year of fasting under our belts, I would like to take the time to be thankful for who I am and what I have in Christ. Who I am is all about Christ who lives within me through the Holy Spirit. What I have is not only what I possess personally, but to include family, friends, committed fasting partners, the family of God, and others. Thanksgiving should not be one day to give thanks. Christmas should not be the one day to give a gift. New Year’s Day should not be the one day to make resolutions for change. But, these seasons should lead us into an everyday reminder to be thankful, give, and start fresh with new commitments when prompted and the opportunity presents itself.

Closing a Year Fast

Posted February 2025 to Fasting Blog

Another year is almost gone! My, how time flies! We have had some great fasting endeavors during the year of 2012. We have had a 21 day, several 3-day, many 1-day fasts, and quite a few single meal to a half day fasts. Every fast has had its rewards and we look forward to new opportunities for 2013. Fasting is a very rewarding discipline. It carries blessings from God and helps you gain strength over the desires of your flesh. In making new resolutions, or maybe you just have a desire to start a new year off different without calling it a New Year's resolution. Whatever the case, consider adding fasting to your spiritual development for the new year and join us in a group fast during 2013. Please continue to check our fasting calendar by registering on our website for a fast. Thank you and may you have many successes during the new year! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted February 2025 to Fasting Blog

With almost a year of fasting each month I would like to take the time to be thankful for who I am and what I have in Christ. Who I am is all about Christ who lives within me through the Holy Spirit. What I have is not only what I possess personally, but to include family, friends, committed fasting partners, and the family of God. Thanksgiving should not be one day to give thanks, but a day to remind us to be thankful everyday. A day to celebrate our Lord and to be thankful for what He has accomplished in us and for us. A day to cause us to reflect and thank Him for His many blessings upon us that we may have taken for granted or failed to thank Him for. A day to be thankful for those around us everyday that we may also take for granted or failed to appreciate and thank for the dedication and commitment to be our family and friends. Thanksgiving is just another day that we should not place above any other day, but a day to help us reflect, remember and appreciate. Whether you fast or not this month, enjoy your time around the table for a Thanksgiving meal with your family and friends and be honored that God has blessed you with another holiday with them. I am thankful for you, which helps make my life what it is. We add value to each other by honoring one another with thankfulness and godly love! Blessings my friends during this holiday season and my prayer for you is that you are safe, joyful and full of love!

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